International Conference

Astana Biotech

for the 30th anniversary of the National Center for Biotechnology

on September 12-13, 2024









time remaining before the event

About the Conference

The International Scientific Conference “Astana Biotech 2024,” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the National Center for Biotechnology, will be held on September 12-13, 2024, in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The conference will feature the participation of renowned scientists and specialists from research centers and institutions, as well as higher education institutions in Kazakhstan and countries from both near and distant regions.

“Astana Biotech 2024” serves as a reputable forum where representatives from the fields of science, business, education, and government agencies can acquaint themselves with cutting-edge scientific developments in biotechnology, both within Kazakhstan and internationally. The conference provides a platform for direct communication to formulate comprehensive solutions aimed at deepening collaboration.

The conference program includes plenary and breakout sessions, poster sessions, and roundtable discussions where scientists will present research projects in the fields of biology, biotechnology, and biomedicine.

Within the framework of the International Scientific Conference, a mini-symposium on “Regional Flora of Kazakhstan: Diversity, Genetics, and Conservation” will be conducted, featuring prominent biologists, botanists, and geneticists.

The conference will also host an exhibition showcasing equipment, technologies, services, and opportunities provided by leading companies in the biotechnology industry.

An important component of the anticipated event will be the organization of competitions for the “Best Oral Presentation” and “Best Poster Presentation.” Conference proceedings will be published in a collection (in electronic format) and made available on the conference website.


Biomedical Technologies
Innovative Biotechnologies for Agriculture
Biotechnologies for Ecology, Food, and Processing Industries
Biological Safety and Biosecurity


"Regional Flora of Kazakhstan: Diversity, Genetics, and Conservation"

Keynote Speakers

Information for Participants

To participate in the conference, electronic registration on the website is required by August 18, 2024

Key Dates

Submission of applications, abstracts, and registration fee payment until August 18,2024.

Conference Languages

English, Kazakh, and Russian.

Participation Format

In-person (online): Oral presentation, poster session.

Absentee participation: Abstract publication.

Registration Fee for Conference Participation

In-person (online) participation: 30,000 tenge (65 USD)
For students, master’s and doctoral students: 15,000 tenge (30 USD)

Absentee participation: 10,000 tenge (20 USD)

Participation without a report or abstract publication – 7,000 tenge


The registration fee includes

Basic participant package for the conference, participation in plenary and breakout sessions, as well as poster sessions, conference proceedings, coffee breaks.

The registration fee does not cover the cost of the gala dinner. Cost of the gala dinner: 23,000 tenge (50 USD).

Bank Details for Paying the Registration Fee

Beneficiary: Limited Liability Partnership “National Center for Biotechnology” Korgalzhyn highway 13/5, Astana, Kazakhstan.

Business Identification Number (BIN):  051040004826

Beneficiary Bank name: JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan


Beneficiary Account:

IBAN KZ706017111000001053 (USD)

IBAN KZ45601711100000533 (EUR)

When naming the file for the presentation abstract, please use the surname of the first author in Latin transliteration, indicating the section number (e.g., Khassenov_3).


Organising Committee
  • V.B. Ogay

    General Director of the «National Center of Biotechnology» LLP, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor (Chairman)
  • M.B.Zhumabekova

    Managing Director for Science, «National Center for Biotechnology» LLP, Candidate of Chemical Science
  • Sh.A. Manabayeva

    Head of the Laboratory of Plant Genetic Engineering, «National Center of Biotechnology» LLP, Candidate of Biological Sciences
  • P.V. Tarlykov

    Head of the Laboratory of Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry, «National Center of Biotechnology» LLP, PhD, Associate Professor
  • E.V. Zholdybayeva

    Head of the Laboratory of the National Scientific Laboratory of Biotechnology for Collective Use, «National Center of Biotechnology» LLP, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
  • A.S. Issabekova

    Head of Stem Cell Laboratory LLP “National Center of Biotechnology”, PhD